Graduate tips: how to impress in your first job

14 May 2018



Congratulations you have landed your first ever job. All the exams, stress and job hunting has been worth it and you are ready for that first step on the career ladder. But making the right first impression really can give you a head start. Here’s how…


1. Make an effort with your new colleagues

This is an important one. At the end of the day, people want to work with colleagues that they get along with. This doesn’t mean you have to be a ‘people person’ or build unnatural relationships but always make the effort to ask colleagues about themselves and get to know them, especially when you first start. Don’t reach for those headphones yet.


2. Ask questions but also take initiative

You are not going to know everything - in your first role you might not know anything! And that is completely fine. As a new employee there will be a number of things you will need assistance with, so don’t be afraid to ask questions. It is much better than making a silly mistake that could have been avoided. Try to write a list of questions and ask your manager in one go, to avoid constantly interrupting them. And always use your own initiative to get the information you need first.


3. Be professional

Always, EVEN at after work drinks. This includes being on time, wearing appropriate work-wear (call HR and ask the dress code before you start rather than guessing) and appropriate language. Lines can blur when you work in a relaxed office, but remember you are the newbie - don’t start avidly joining in with office banter and telling ‘your mum’ jokes until you’ve settled in and gauged your colleagues’ personalities. 


4. Be eager to learn but know your skill set & capacity

Be eager. Tick. Be Enthusiastic. Tick. Bring new ideas. Tick. It’s great to volunteer your time on extra projects and support your colleagues with their workload. But always be sure you have the knowledge to complete the task in hand and importantly get it done. All too often junior employees over promise and miss crucial deadlines trying to impress. Take on manageable jobs and do them well.


5. Expect some simple tasks

Making tea, admin and other everyday tasks will be expected as you settle in, leave your pride at the door and never think these jobs are beneath you. 


6. Enjoy it!

Work hard but also enjoy the process and new environment. As the newest staff member you are a breath of fresh air in the office. Plus a smile goes a long way.

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