How to deal with office gossip...

17 Sep 2018


We all know that office gossip exists. Gossip is not always necessarily bad, for example it could lead to the knowledge of a new role or opportunity in your company but the office rumour mill can also be hurtful not only to feelings but careers. Here’s how to deal with it….


Understand gossip is detrimental

Hearing something you shouldn’t at work may seem like harmless fun, but fundamentally it is detrimental to team relationships and morale. It spreads paranoia between colleagues and reduces productivity. Equally being known as the office gossip will not help you progress in anyway in an organisation, damaging your own career opportunities.


Don’t indulge a ‘gossiper’

If someone tries to involve you in idle chat about your colleague’s work or personal life, don’t give them the satisfaction. Make a polite excuse to walk away from the conversation, like the large amount of paperwork on your desk or prep for a meeting. If you listen to (or enjoy) office gossip you are complicit despite not being the instigator.


If the gossip is about you, address it

It can be hurtful to hear that someone is deliberately spreading rumours about you. But leaving it to fester will not solve the problem. First try addressing the situation head on with the gossiper by having a casual conversation and being firm and clear. If the problem persists, speak to HR, this kind of office behaviour is not acceptable and taken too far can be deemed verbal harassment.


All in all a bit of ‘office banter’ can make the working environment more fun but someone deliberately spreading rumours to the detriment of their colleagues’ reputation or happiness is something much more serious.


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