Top career advice for recent graduates

01 Apr 2019


We all have moments when we look back on our lives and consider if we’d known then what we know now, somehow it might have been easier or different. This is particularly true when it comes to our working lives, and the career choices we make. Here are 3 key bits of advice for recent graduates to help you in your future career.


  • You will experience rejection:

The majority of graduates do not walk off university campus straight into their dream job. Accept that it may take a while to find the right fit. Gaining hands on experience in your desired industry is vital, to help you be considered for the right roles. The graduate market is extremely competitive and all it takes is someone else to have more relevant work experience to pip you to that job offer. Rejection is part of the process (and character building), so don’t get disheartened; keep learning new skills to strengthen your CV and see if there are any companies offering work experience or graduate schemes to get your foot through the door.


  • Networking is key to making connections:

The good old saying “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know” can stand true in a number of situations, particularly when it comes to hearing about job opportunities. Start with who you already know and ask friends and family if they have contacts in the industry you’re looking to enter. Once you have a good contact try asking them for advice, not only does this benefit you, it shows enthusiasm and may keep you in their mind when they hear any future entry-level jobs . Using resources such as LinkedIn can also be a good way to reach out to relevant people in your desired sector or discover nearby events where you can meet the right people.


  • Be open to change:

Just because you studied a particular field doesn’t mean it’s  the only industry you can apply for jobs within. Many degrees are versatile and can show your interest within an area without committing to one career path. If you’re applying for a job role vastly different from your degree, for example applying for a job in finance when you graduated with a music degree, prepare a list of transferable skills you have acquired from your degree such as developing self discipline and a good eye for detail. If you decide straight after graduating that you do not want to work in the same area as your degree it doesn't mean you have failed in any way and as long as you can prove you have researched the sort of job you do want to go into, it'll show determination and potential.


For expert advice from the recruitment specialists on any aspect of your career, email or call 01534 875444.

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