5 habits of smart working mums

12 Mar 2018


The reality is that parents (both mums and dads) work. With Mother’s Day just gone, we are celebrating working mums! Research* has revealed the habits of smart & successful working mums who nail it everyday. There isn’t much they can’t do, but here are 5 things they practice to ensure they are always on it, in both their professional & personal lives.


1. They utilise technology

From family calendars with pick up times, shared checklists and handy apps like evernote that organise your ideas, files, clips and notes - tech-savviness helps successful working mums save time and tick off items on the to-do list.


2. They outsource

Having free time involves planning, research has shown the most efficient working mums outsource some tasks to ensure they have maximum time with the family when they are off. Services like taskrabbit.co.uk, Local heros or Jersey-based company Handymen are great for getting household chores or errands sorted.


3. They are flexible

Mums who have negotiated work arrangements that meet their needs, know that flexibility is a two way street. In return, they make sure to meet their employer and clients' needs. Which may mean coming in for a meeting outside agreed hours or working from home when required.


4. They ask for help when they need it

Whether that’s from their partner, colleagues or friends, successful mums always prioritise and then delegate to ensure they don’t burn out. Even if that means finding childcare for an evening off to recalibrate. That way they always have high energy levels to play with the kids.


5. They aren’t afraid to say no or prioritise their time

Time off work is precious, so successful mums don’t feel pressured to say yes to commitments outside family time. They also know that the most important thing to their family is quality time, not the best outfit on world book day. Although some are just creative-boned and turn their youngest into Mr. Tumnus at the click of a finger.


*Resource for research Liz O'Donnell - Mogul, Mom & Maid: The Balancing Act of the Modern Woman


If you are a parent seeking part-time work, our friendly consultants can help you find a flexible contract to suit your needs. For more information and an open chat, please call 875444 or email consultants@1strecruit.co.uk




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